A Blog About Vector The Robot
Author: <span>droidyouarelookingfor</span>

Loona Christmas Delivery: Look into Pledgebox for tracking numbers!

It was stated by KEYi Tech that you will get a tracking number for the xmas deliveries. From what I could see today that may or may not be so, since in Pledgebox I could already see tracking informations, but I did not get anything via email.

Digital Dream Labs: Be careful when sending in your robot for repair – plus: OSKR gone

I saw multiple people complaining online in different places that they have sent in their 1st generation vectors to SSL’s “official” repair center in the USA and now there is no feedback

Interface with Vector using Node-RED

Two years ago Daryl Stultz created a contribution for Node-RED to interface with Vector. For those that are unfamiliar with Node-RED: It is a node.js based workflow solution that is able to interface lots of sources together to create workflow, mostly used for example in home automation, but also in industrial production workflows.

The Further Deterioration Of Digital Dream Labs

Now it’s a week since the problems with their cloud service regarding voice commands with Vector became obvious because of more and more posts by users that no longer have a lifetime or subscription, and still there is no official statement on that

Digital Dream Labs: If in doubt, blame “the cloud”

While there still is no official statement on DDL’s ongoing Vector service outages and the account mixups, one user got an email by DDL CEO Jacob Hanchar.

Confirmed: Looks like Digital Dream Labs botched their subscription system

A followup to my report about cloud service outages at Digital Dream Labs, that leads to Vectors no longer being able to react to voice commands. At the time I write this text (monday, november …

Digital Dream Labs, Open Source and a missing Escape Pod

Digital Dream Labs promised something called OSKR, that is an acronym for Open Source Kit for Robots, in their Kickstarter campaign that closed in March 2020 and raked in half a million Dollars. They promised to open source the firmare of Vector the robot, so everyone would be able to create “open Vector builds” or new functions for Vector.