Two nights ago (CEST) Wire announced a major update to Wire Pod on Discord:
big update to wire-pod:
jdocs and token handlers have been implemented, which means it is now a full escape pod alternative rather than just a voice server. someone can clear a prod bot’s user data and the bot can be signed in to wire-pod via (a clear user data is not required for signing in though)
other changes/additions:
– SDK web app which is a vector mobile app alternative, it allows you to configure a bot’s settings and to control the bot
– SDK functionality is maintained. the guid cannot be gotten from the bot but it is constant and the same for every bot – which means someone needs to modify the python sdk to get it working there but it is easy to get the vector-go-sdk working with it
– all documentation has been moved to the wiki, more info has been added on how to get a production bot working with it
What does that mean? In the past a Vector needed to be setup at least once with the app before you could get him onto Wire-Pod. Now the onboarding process can be done with a bot that had it’s user data cleard with no need to use the app. This is another step away from Digital Dream Labs for owners of a first generation Vector and it will potentially save all 1st gen Vector in the case DDL sinks.
The wiki that was mentioned in the update above is the one on Github.
The Wiki is great.