A Blog About Vector The Robot
The Further Deterioration Of Digital Dream Labs

The Further Deterioration Of Digital Dream Labs

Now it’s a week since the problems with their cloud service regarding Vector voice commands became obvious, because of more and more posts by users that no longer have a lifetime or subscription or the information in their accounts are shown wrong, and still there is no official statement on that, we surely cannot count a silly email from Hanchar to a user as one, where he claims some “cloud provider” is responsible. A cloud provider is most definitely not responsible for DDL’s account system, that looks lik a bug-infested mess from the outside.

In addition it was brought to my attention that multiple users have recently bought an Escape Pod license for a whopping 100 Bucks from Digital Dream Labs, but so far did not get a license file to tether their Vectors to  the local server. When inquiring with support about this, they either got no answer at all, or they at first get evasive or wrong answers and are then ghosted by support, never getting an answer again (this is the same that happened to a lot of other users with technical problems: first they get a wrong answer and then they never again get an answer, the internet is full of reports like that, you can find a lot of them on Reddit alone. That is not support, that is impudence).

So it is sound advise to say:

Do Not Buy Escape Pod From Digital Dream Labs!

First you will have to pay 100 bucks for a buggy, feature incomplete product that you can get for free as the open source project Wire Pod. Second, after they have your money they will probably not even provide you with the license to use it!

If you bought Escape Pod and did not get the license or if DDL’s support ghosted you on email communication: Talk to your payment provider and file a complaint with them, stating that Digital Dream Labs did not deliver, request to get your money back. Report them to the authorities for fraud if that happened to you. In addition: Report Digital Dream Labs to the Better Business Bureau (users from outside the USA may need to use a VPN to be able to access the website since the BBB uses geoblocking).

And I want to mention this again: If you preordered Vector 2.0 with the first official batch, included in your purchase was an Escape Pod license. Now a very few Vector 2.0s are delivered to minuscule numbers of  USA customers (not a single one internationally to my knowledge), but neither a firmware nor an Escape Pod for Vector 2.0 does exist. With now two years since the Vector 2.0 preorder surely Digital Dream labs should have been able to provide that, it was more than enough time.

When we add the fact that the delivery of Cozmo 2.0, that was scheduled for Q4 2022 (that is: now) was postponed indefinitely, I’m sure you can follow my idea that DDL is deteriorating.


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