A Blog About Vector The Robot
Expand Vector functionality on Wire-Pod with vectorx

Expand Vector functionality on Wire-Pod with vectorx

vectorx is a new project by fforchino on Github to add new functionality to 1st generation Vectors tethered to a Wire-Pod. From the depository description:

This project is to develop new voice commands and features for Vector (VECTORX stands for VECTOR eXtended). It runs on top of Wirepod setups. The goals of this project:

  • Add advanced voice commands to give Vector new capabilities. Much more than a feature friday!

  • These commands are implemented via the GO SDK on the server where Wirepod runs. This means they do not require any changes to Vector firmware. They work with any production Vector that is able to be hooked to WirepodYou don’t need OSKR.

See the full description and documentation in the Github repository. There are also examples how to write new functions. Caveat: You will need a Wire-Pod installation that was set up with VOSK as the speech recognition engine.

And again someone from the community achieved things in weeks that Digital Dream Labs was not able to do in years.

There also is a demonstration video on Youtube:

One comment

  1. Ahsan Habib

    I am using currently vectorx and it’s working great. I tried to customize pill of wisdom text on /home/pi/vectorx/pkg/intents/voicecommand-pillofwisdom.go file but still vector saying previous sentence even though sentences have been changed. How i can customize pill of wisdom text? Thank you.

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