Is jailbreaking Vector legal? Can DDL take legal actions against it?
First: So, what is a jailbreak?
Let me quote a paragraph from Wikipedia:
First: So, what is a jailbreak?
Let me quote a paragraph from Wikipedia:
There are a number of updates for the open source Escape Pod solution that Wire provided using the open sourced libraries for Chipper and Vector cloud.
Wire did more work on his Open Source Escape Pod and since it came a long way since the alpha it was now renamed wire-pod.
As I wrote some days ago, Digital Dream Labs had an outage of their cloud services. It affected Vector robots that were no longer able to reply if talked to.
There is a subdomain page called “Investor Relations” on the Digital Dream Labs Website. In one of the press releases all kind of public relations babble is uttered, but especially one makes me furious, because it simply is a big lie
From Saturday, june 4th 2022, on there are cloud service problems with the servers that run Vector’s voice recognition.
Wire just released a kind of early alpha for an Open Source Escape Pod on Github. He used the chipper and vector-cloud repositories that were provided by DDL on Github some time ago.
Yesterday Digital Dream Labs held their quarterly “State Of Robotics” video conference. Here are the news regarding Vector:
In past “State Of Robotics” Zoom conferences and subsequent Youtube videos Digital Dream Labs showed the above chart multiple times.
Digital Dream Labs managed to show the underside of a robot that most probably is a Vector 2.0 and that shows the new battery lid.
In their ongoing crusade to make the lifes of Vector users everywhere miserable, Digital Dream Labs reached another milestone.
A few days ago there was a file drop in the Digital Dream Labs Vector OSKR repository on Github. Under “engine” quite some files were added, most of them c++ files from Vectors engine, as the folder name suggests.
The short answer is: most probably not. But a longer answer will now follow. Be aware of the fact that I am not a lawyer (but have some knowlegde about tech-related laws because of my …
It is a known fact that Escape Pod not only has no knowledge graph access, but also weather is missing. So users are not able to ask Vector about their local weather.
Vector Explorer is a nifty Windows program by Wayne Venables, that not only enables you to control your Vector. For future reference you can find a link to it in the sidebar of this blog …
“State Of Robotics” is the title of the webinar that Digital Dream Labs holds every three months and the last ones were full of misinformation and smokescreens like that “state of production” chart. Or they just iterate the same information already given months before.
After yesterday’s frustration I again wanted to connect my designated Escape Pod Vector to a 1.0.x version of the local server.
Because I finally found the time to play with Cyb3rvector and am highly amazed by what it can do. Something like this should have been created by Digital Dream Labs, but they were not able to do that in two years. Instead Cyb3dog did it in mere weeks.
Yesterday I took the time to test the latest iteration of Ecape Pod, it has the version number 1.8.2, even if I see absolutely nothing that would warrant a version jump from 1.0.x to 1.8.1. My main reason to look at it was that I wanted to connect Cyb3rvector Extension Engine Interface to it. But, man, this is still a mess.
This article has nothing to do with robots, unfortunately. But it has to do with Vector 2.0 and Digital Dream Labs.