Digital Dream Labs has shut down their repair center
We all remember when DDL announced the opening of their repair center.
We all remember when DDL announced the opening of their repair center.
I saw multiple people complaining online in different places that they have sent in their 1st generation vectors to SSL’s “official” repair center in the USA and now there is no feedback
We all remember the repeated copyright trolling by Digital Dream Labs against KEYi Technology, the company behind Loona the Petbot. DDL took down the Loona campaign on Kickstarter two times with very questionable “reasons” that …
At last, weeks later and after a long time of denial, radio silence and false information there is a first small post on Discord where a DDL representative admits that something is wrong and they are trying to fix it.
It’s now weeks after the first reported account server problems problems and not only is there still no official statement about the those problems (only a misleading email by Hanchar), there are more and more people reporting them
I just wanted to inform you there is a petition angainst Digital Dream Labs and their questionable business practices on change org.
Now it’s a week since the problems with their cloud service regarding voice commands with Vector became obvious because of more and more posts by users that no longer have a lifetime or subscription, and still there is no official statement on that
While there still is no official statement on DDL’s ongoing Vector service outages and the account mixups, one user got an email by DDL CEO Jacob Hanchar.
Still nothing official on the server problems, but it look more and more as if something serious has happened.
A followup to my report about cloud service outages at Digital Dream Labs, that leads to Vectors no longer being able to react to voice commands. At the time I write this text (monday, november …
Since the day before yesterday a lot of users report that some of their Vector robots no longer react to voice commands. At first it looked as if every robot was affected, but then we …
Digital Dream Labs promised something called OSKR, that is an acronym for Open Source Kit for Robots, in their Kickstarter campaign that closed in March 2020 and raked in half a million Dollars. They promised to open source the firmare of Vector the robot, so everyone would be able to create “open Vector builds” or new functions for Vector.
Today Digital Dream Labs posted a statement on their Facebook page about the situation regarding their copyright trolling towards KEYi Tech and Loona the petbot.
It is now nearly three years after the successful end of Digital Dream Lab’s Kickstarter campaign that was deceivingly called “Vector Unleashed”.
Digital Dream Labs, the company that is not able to create anything new or meaningful, again took down the campaign for Loona on Kickstarter. I have to admit that I expected something like this from the scumbags.
After the last stunt Digital Dream Labs pulled – copyright trolling the Loona campaign (fortunately that failed) – a lot of people were unhappy with DDL and took their frustration to Google reviews (and other review platforms around the internet).
The Loona Kickstarter is open again! This just came from Kickstarter via email:
We all know now that Digital Dream Labs is copyright trolling KEYi Techs Kickstarter campaign for Loona the robotic pet.
Today Kickstarter announced that the campaign for Loona the pet robot was taken down by a copyright claim.
Shipping or no shipping, that is the question.
No, it is not. The announced international shipping in Q3 2022 did not happen. As I expected. International shipping did not even start yet.