A Blog About Vector The Robot
Video: Bruce Hunsacker pulls apart Digital Dream Labs copyright claims about Loona

Video: Bruce Hunsacker pulls apart Digital Dream Labs copyright claims about Loona

We all know now that Digital Dream Labs is copyright trolling KEYi Techs Kickstarter campaign for Loona the robotic pet. I already shared my opinion on that and also wrote that the claims are ridiculous from a technical and most probably also from a legal standpoint. The problem of course is the extremely messy US legal system, that may lead to lengthy court duels.

Bruce Hunsacker just released a video on DDL’s so-called “copyright claims” and I want to provide more visibility for that video, as he elaborates a little more on the topic and is right on point.

And he also points out that a company that does not update and improve their products is basically lost. That’s what I also said: DDL has provided nothing new, the so-called “Vector 2.0” only has minimal hardware updates and otherwise is based off an over five years old model. There were no real software updates or new functions either. If you are not able to create anything of note, your only chance probably is to try to bring down competition through copyright trolling.

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