A Blog About Vector The Robot
Category: <span>Wire-Pod</span>

Far easier Wire-Pod setup thanks to Zark75

The setup of Wire-Pod can be daunting for simple users that do not know how a RasPi or Linux work or think about a Playstation if they hear the word “console”. But thanks to a community coder named Zark75 this process now became a lot easier end even less tech-savvy people should be able to set it up.

DDL’s (in)famous “Feature “Friday”: Do it yourself on Wire-Pod

When Digital Dream Labs took over they made a big fuzz about their “Feature Fridays” where they bragged about adding new features to Vector.

Wire-Pod, the free Open Source Escape Pod, with a production Vector: It works!

I tested to install Wire-Pod, Wire’s open source Escape Pod onto a Raspberry Pi 4, as recommended. There were some problem that I was able to solve with Wire’s help (thanks for that!) and some improvements were added to the installation process because of it.