A Blog About Vector The Robot
European customers: If Digital Dream Labs asks you for an EORI number …

European customers: If Digital Dream Labs asks you for an EORI number …

… then they obviously again have no clue what they are doing. An EORI number is a euopean customs number. Businesses and companies doing import and export need one.

End customers do not need one, unless they have more than nine import cases a year.

If you have more than nine import cases per year you have to apply for one with the relevant customs offices, but you will need a qualified signature beforehand issued also by the relevant officials and the application form is quite long and will be complicated for a normal end customer.

If DDL asks you for an EORI number and you do not have more than nine imports a year, tell them you do not need an EORI number and also tell them to stop messing around and start acting professionally.

A company that ships internationally should know that end customers usually do not need an EORI number, so it looks like they act as clueless here as they acted with other things.

If customs asks you for an EORI number (that can happen), just tell them you are an end customer, not a company.

But it looks like the Vector 2.0s that were promised for start of january may show up in the next days, with nearly two years delay. Meanwhile the account and service problems that are known since last september are still not sorted and still no OSKR images can be given out. So there is no reason to believe the quality of DDL’s services does improve at all.


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