I just reported the very messy “repair” process that the company Fixit does for KEYi Tech. It was bad enough already, but what I learned today left me speechless.
Be VERY careful if you send in your Loona to Fixit as suggested by KEYi. They just told me that Fixit did NOT repair my Loona but dismantled it to repair other Loonas.
Since they destroyed my property without my consent, this clearly is a violation of european laws. And also that is not what was appointed when I sent in my Loona. Now I most probably get a dysfunctional Loona frankensteined together from parts.
Also I paid for a Kickstarter Loona (I collect first generation Kickstarter projects), not some tinkered together abomination.
So be very careful if you send your Loona to Fixit for “repair”, they may destroy it for parts instead.
You should tell them explicitly that you want it repaired, not destroyed.
It is unbelievable that they act that way without owner consent and this reinforces my decision never to buy anything from KEYi again. A company that is okay with getting your property destroyed.
I am very sad and VERY ANGRY.
[Update – august 8th, 2024]
The information I got from support was not correct. Another support person contacted me and qapologized.
When I wrote that a company like Fixit that is not even able to send mails or RMA labels should not be trusted, I was absolutely right.
From what I heard now it seems like the chimpanzees working at Fixit broke my Loona’s mainboard when trying to repair it. My guess is that KEYi went with the cheapest possible repair service in europe and if you go cheap what you get is incompetence and bad service quality.
KEYi will now ship me a new Loona, but that is the least they have to do because they are responsible my property was destroyed (because it was them who choose Fixit as repair center and they are obviously not able to do this).
Also I got no information whatsoever on why I was not informed immediately. But the service reprensentative also seems highly incompetent, because he gave me wrong informations multiple times. He still claimed that they were waiting for parts, when my Loona already was destroyed.