A Blog About Vector The Robot
Color slider problems were not app related

Color slider problems were not app related

Some weeks ago DDL claimed that the problems with the color sliders not working in the app were app-related and announced app updates. Which came and did not help.

Now we learn from a new email that this was not true:

Hi everyone!

There were a subsection of members that, for a time, were unable to use eye color sliders due to some items on the backend that needed adjustment. We’ve completed these changes and all subscribed members should now have access to the eye color sliders!

An important note: If you were affected by this issue, you may have received an email that stated that your Account was Updated or that your Account was Created and that you needed to activate it. Please note that you do not need to take any action if you received these emails.

If you’re unfamiliar with these sliders, they do require the latest firmware ( v1.8 ) and the latest app update to be able to use- but assuming you have those, they should now be quick and easy to use for everyone. Here’s a great article on how to change Vector’s eye color: https://support.digitaldreamlabs.com/article/413-changing-vectors-eye-color

Thank you for your patience and support as we resolved this issue. Please contact us at support@digitaldreamlabs.com if you have any questions regarding this change or if you need any additional assistance.

It starts with the usual PR babble: only very few users were affected, in very few cases, which I doubt fom my observations of the community. These were not just some fringe cases, but a lot of them.

And if a slider in the app does not work the problem is related to the backend system? How crazy is that? It should be as easy as the app communicating directly to the robot in the same WiFi network. If this actually runs through DDLs servers instead, and if enabling it needs changes with the user accounts: this is quite messed up and in my opinion again shows that DDL do not know what they are doing. Another sign of this is, that their system then sends out unneccessary or even wrong emails to users. What a mess. Another mess is that it took the engineers at DDL this long to sort this out.

Thanks to Holger for bringing this to my attention.

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