A Blog About Vector The Robot
“Transparency” at DDL: Disabling comments.

“Transparency” at DDL: Disabling comments.

In the ongoing comedy about Digital Dream Labs and the properties they bought (most notably Vector and Cozmo robots) a new joke just emerged. As was reported they are sued by the Pittsburgh Attorney General because of their customer hostile and unlawful behavior, most notably taking heaps of money for Vector and Cozmo preorders and not delivering anything. And we have not even talked about the servers beign offline since july 2023 and DDL still charging customer’s credit cards for the servers.

The latest post by Ex-CEO Hachar on LinkedIn:

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 1 Person und Text

First: What’s that bible verse about?

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

So Hanchar seems to think that God will punish his enemies. That’s … a little overconfident, to quote it carefully.

Aside from that, he now no longer claims that some nebulous “chinese villains” “hacked” his comppany, but a former employee. And they claim the “unrealistic deadlines” were “in hopes to get the Github back”.

Excuse my wording, but that is utter nonsense.

  • If your Github repository is taken over you contact Github and/or Microsoft and get it back. And of course you have backups of that code in other locations so even if someone “steals” the code that does not affect you AT ALL (unless you are a company acting completely unprofessional and not having any backups, but nobody is that dumb, right?).
  • The server outage was and is not caused by someone copying a Github repository.
  • The money for Vector and Cozmo preorders that were never delivered was not taken by a “former employee”, it was taken by Hanchar and his cronies.
  • It was not a “former employee” that ghosted users when contacting support
  • If you have even only glimpses of professionality you do not give out deadlines that are not only “unrealistic”, but years (!) off. In my opinion those deadlines were not “unrealistic” they were just lies.

And about “transparency will become a key part of our new core values”: The transparency he promises consists of immediately disabling comments on this post. That is of course VERY transparent and customer friendly.</sarcasm>

Take this post as what it is: another try to blame someone else for his bad management, personal faults and unlawful behaviour.

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